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Why Running Your HVAC Fan Constantly Is Not The Best Strategy

The Persistent Myth of 24/7 Fan Operation

One of the most common misconceptions we encounter at Mechanical Comfort Systems is the belief that running your HVAC system’s fan continuously will result in better indoor air quality and more consistent temperatures throughout your home.

This myth likely originated from the logical-sounding premise that more air circulation equals better comfort. However, the reality is quite different, and here’s why:

The Truth About Continuous Fan Operation:

  • Higher Energy Bills – Running your fan 24/7 can add significantly to your monthly electricity costs
  • Increased Humidity – During summer, constant fan operation can redistribute moisture back into your home
  • Premature Wear – Your system’s components weren’t designed for perpetual operation
  • Filter Inefficiency – Continuous airflow can actually reduce your filter’s effectiveness

Instead of running your fan constantly, we recommend using the “Auto” setting on your thermostat. This allows your system to operate only when necessary for heating or cooling, which is far more efficient and effective.

For optimal performance, regular maintenance and proper system sizing are far more important than continuous fan operation. If you’re concerned about air quality or temperature consistency, consider targeted solutions like zoning systems or dedicated air purifiers.

Remember, every home is unique, and what works for one household might not work for another. The key is finding the right balance between comfort, efficiency, and system longevity.

Why Running Your HVAC Fan Constantly Is Not The Best Strategy
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